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Like all road users, cyclists in Italy also must observe precise rules of behavior, both in the city and on the routes outside of it.
What are the behaviors that most frequently cause cyclists to get fined?
To answer this question, we review all bicycle rules in Italy that are most frequently violated and represent a danger to the safety of the cyclist and beyond. You will find that avoiding sanctions is not that difficult!
The bicycles riding side by side and occupy the entire road, are the grim of many motorists. What do the Traffic Laws say about this?
Art. 182 states that cyclists must proceed in single file and, if necessary, can only ride side by side in couple. The respect of this rule is even more stringent outside the city centers and the only hypothesis that allows you to pedal side by side in couple is that one of the cyclist is younger than 10 years old, and must always be on the right side with respect to the adult.
Fines for cyclists who do not respect this rule range from 25 to 99€.
The Traffic Laws apply to all vehicles, both motorized and non-motorized, such as bicycles. The prohibition on going against the traffic is thus also applicable to bicycles. The sanction provided by art. 143 in case of violation of this prohibition, starts from a minimum of 163€ and goes up to 651€.
Among other things, bikes are also required to circulate on the right side of the road and cannot travel on the sidewalks, even when there is no cycle path. Cycling on the sidewalks can cost a fine of 41€.
You have to take a road, but do you realize that it is one-way and you have to take it in the opposite direction? Be smart and avoid the fine: get off your bike and push it by hand until it reaches the intersection. For some strange reason, the Traffic Laws treat bicycles like a hybrid vehicle: if you are riding you have to respect the rules of the vehicles, if you are walking you have to respect the rules of pedestrians.
Bicycle rules in Italy are very specific for those who pedal in the evening or early in the morning, when it is still dark. To ensure the safety of cyclists, they must be clearly visible even in darkness.
After sunset and until half an hour before sunrise, cyclists should wear reflective jackets or braces, but only if they circulate outside urban centers and in tunnels. The infringement of the obligation is punished with a fine from 24 to 97€.
There is no obligation for people who travel without lights. The legislator wants the cyclist to be visible to other road users, but it must be the driver himself who decides whether or not to have lights.
Yet it is only when you have a clear view of the road that you can avoid obstacles and holes and follow the correct path in a curve. It is therefore advisable to always have a lighting system, even better if it is a dynamo bike light, which guarantees excellent performance and avoids the worry of discharged batteries.
During bike rides many cyclists combine a passion for cycling with a passion for music. What could be nicer than relaxing with a good background music while pedaling? Many others take advantage of the ride to listen to a podcast or an audiobook.
Is this behavior prohibited or not? The answer is... It depends! Headphones or earphones that go on both ears, are forbidden by the law and the fine is as high as 160 €.
If, on the other hand, it is a headset that only fits one ear, then its use on a bike is permitted. The difference is explained by the need for the cyclist to have an adequate level of concentration and to be able to hear well the noises surrounding him, such as the noise of a braking, the sound of a horn or the acoustic signal of a level crossing.
The single headset can also be used to talk on the phone, as long as the cyclist has both hands on the handlebars. Anyone who holds one hand on the handlebars and with the other holds the phone, will be fined with a penalty of 161€.
Fines for cyclists are frequently associated with failure to respect priority rules at crossroads. Like other road users, cyclists must respect the traffic lights, give priority to the right and stop at the stop signals. There is therefore no discount for cyclists, who are punished like motorists: the fine is as high as 613€.
Many cyclists have the habit of bypassing the red traffic light by cycling on the adjacent pedestrian crossings, but this can cost 25€. The pedestrian crossing strips, as the same word says, are reserved for pedestrians only, but as we know, the cyclist can magically turn into a pedestrian: just get off the bike and drag it by hand on the strips.
The situation is quite different if the cyclist crosses the road while on a bike path. This crossing is allowed on the bike and motorists are required to give priority.
Before each intersection, cyclists must use their arms to indicate the manoeuvre they want to perform, such as turning right or left. This manoeuvre becomes safer when the vehicle is equipped with a bicycle rearview mirror, so that you can immediately see if another vehicle is coming.
Avoiding penalties for cyclists is not that difficult. Just follow the rules, the rules of common sense and put security at first place. No one likes paying a fine and if there is a way to avoid it, it is worth paying some attention.
As we have seen, there is no Traffic Laws for bicycles, although cyclists are often subject to somewhat special rules that differ from those for other vehicles. I hope that this review of the most important rules has been useful to you.
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